Joe O'Donnell recently sat on the panel at Corrymeela for the CREDIT course which is designed for teachers who are currently involved in community relations work in their schools.  

New Publication Available: Sharing Education in Interface Areas

The Institute for Conflict Research (ICR) and Belfast Interface Project (BIP) have recently (2013) undertaken research into the potential for sharing education in schools in interface areas of North Belfast.

Funded by the Integrated Education Fund (IEF), this research is part of a broader regional discussion on the nature of shared education, what this currently constitutes for communities and what the opportunities are for its development.

For access to this latest publication, please click on the link below:

Belfast City Council   Community Relations Council European Union Peace 3
Lloyds TSB Foundation NI   A project supported by PEACE III Programme
managed for the Special EU Programmes Body
by the Community Relations Council/Pobal Consortium