Joe O'Donnell recently sat on the panel at Corrymeela for the CREDIT course which is designed for teachers who are currently involved in community relations work in their schools.  

Inner East Belfast survey highlights desire for shared facilities

The Shared Communtiies Programme of the Northern Ireland Housing Exective recently completed survey covering the Short Strand and Lower Newtownards, Lower Castlereagh, Lower Ravenhill and Lower Woodstock Road areas, and measured levels of satisfaction with local facilities and services.

Belfast Interface Project facilitated a planning residential with the Inner East Local Area Network (IELAN) in April 2013, using the findings from the survey in order to identify future projects.

The IELAN plan and NIHE Report were launched on Monday 3rd June at templemore Avenue Networking Centre with Belfast Lord Mayor, Alderman Gavin Robinson. He commented: “During my year as Lord Mayor I have witnessed tremendous efforts being made to progress community relations throughout Belfast, so I was delighted to be asked here today to highlight the progress being made in my own constituency.   The groups involved have to be congratulated for their forward thinking which really does bode well for the future of East Belfast.”


The full report can be downloaded from the Northern Ireland Housing Executive's Website:


Belfast City Council   Community Relations Council European Union Peace 3
Lloyds TSB Foundation NI   A project supported by PEACE III Programme
managed for the Special EU Programmes Body
by the Community Relations Council/Pobal Consortium