Young People Leading the Way Project Launch

Belfast Interface Project and Different Tracks Global are delighted to announce a successful bid for funding through OFMDFM’s 2013-14 Central Good Relations Fund. The project is called, ‘Young People Leading The Way’ and aims to contribute to efforts to reduce tension in the Interface areas around Inner East Belfast by building capacity for young people to move towards taking a peer leadership role in helping build a united communities strategy.
The 18-25yr old unemployed participants from East Belfast will gain a variety of skills, qualifications and experience in Leadership, Youthwork, Good Relations, Urban Adventure, & Heritage. Gaining competency in activities such as Sailing, Wakeboarding, Skateboarding, BMX & Free Running. The participants will also be supported to design and deliver urban adventure programmes in the excellent facilities within Titanic Quarter to engage 14-16yr olds from across the interfaces to experience the exciting resources they have on their doorstep. Joe O’Donnell Director of Belfast Interface Project stated, ’We are delighted to be the lead partner in this exciting opportunity for young people to be part of a really positive and potentially life changing experience.’
This project will also provide progression routes for participants following the Programme including volunteering and further training opportunities locally and abroad. Ben Craig from Different Tracks Global said, ‘I am really excited about this project, I think engaging in Urban Adventure will help participants become empowered as leaders, experience positive challenge and see the city from a new perspective which will have a great impact in the local community and strengthen links across Inner East Belfast between young people, youth agencies and service providers.’ A wide range of agencies are involved in this collaborative pilot including, T13, Cable & Wake, Ocean Youth Trust Ireland, Youth Link NI and Heritage experts from Titanic Quarter.